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What banishings do you do to make sure you don't have external influences affecting you when you attempt to divine? i used to not really think much about it and I would just shuffle a bunch and let my tarot cards talk to me (basically shuffle until they said it was enough), but my reads got pretty unreliable once I moved. It got hard to 'hear' my cards and I started 'hearing' a lot of other things so I've been taking a break.

I also figured that even if there were 'external influences', then those things would probably affect me outside of the read so 'external influences' makes up part of the situation I was doing a read on in the first place. But I usually didn't do readings that had an 'external influences' card.
Replies: >>15
find the star kochab and start playing beyblade while meditating on it.
Replies: >>15
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>>13 (OP) 
Banishings generally aren't my style. I've always tried to cultivate space that selects for what I want. Influences that return are of the quality I desire, if for no other reason than that I can depend on them being there for me in the future. I don't know how you could do divination without aligning yourself with a flux of influences in the first place, so I don't understand what your concern is. Everything affects everything else through cascading events anyway, so why would slicing off a portion give you a better feel? If I was interested in a precise science of knowledge I wouldn't be divining with cards. Best to order influences through an intensive series, but I prefer to just have the order they present when I'm asking. I'm not sure what purpose an external influence card would serve. I always incorporate the card at the bottom of my deck in my own spreads and other wise as either a bit of extra information I might want to know, or a clarification about some aspect of the reading. At the end of the day you have to trust in chance, and if you don't, what is it you think you're tapping into?
I would consider a much greater concern to be exhausting the favour of what it is I've selected for by asking the same things over and over, or asking too often in general. When your answers seem wrong you might have tired out the forces. it might just be time to take break like you're doing.

pic related
Replies: >>22 >>32
I know there are a lot of practitioners of divination who choose to commune with specific sets of entities if not a particular one to do their divining. Some people go to great lengths in preparation of their materials for the specific reason thet they want to select fo those things specifically and keep out influences that might not share their interest. What exactly is chance to you and why would it be something reliable to tap into?
Replies: >>23
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It is the happening element that connects everything. The crease along which reality is folded
Replies: >>31
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The predominant scientism saturated western sensibility discounts, even demonizes, weighting the meaning of synchronicity. Directly observable cause & effect are privileged as the only means to make relations between events acceptably accessible. The Yi Jing, however, is meant to map connections of a different kind. Often translated as *The Book of Changes*, "Changes" inadequately represents the unpredictability of the events it seeks to relate. Yi arrives when we have lost our bearings, what once was a useful method of orienting ourselves no longer applies. The sensibility that penned this book, this oracle, gleans meaning off random events, items of pure chance; a qualitative notion of time which allows all events occurring in unison to be embedded with information that spans its entirety. Understanding of the pattern can be pulled from any detail of the moment

"The way in which the ocular use of the Yi Jing relates to the configuration of events at any given moment is therefor more akin to the perception of a work of art than to the rational analysis of cause and effect."

In his forward to the translation of the Yi Jing by his friend Richard Wilhelm Jung* Describes the "Chinese mind" as being "exclusively preoccupied with the chance aspects of events", a rich tapestry of meaning interconnected as an organic whole, and in their interest in these subtler more complex less definable connections, "what ewe worship as causality passes almost unnoticed..."

A kaleidoscope of dream images cascading together, pulled though ancient images drawn through shamanic trance, with no a priori interpretation; when time becomes a synthesis of a beginning that never started and an end that never arrives it becomes a mirror of the present with hints at the future. Rolling the words in our heart is the key which accesses the "light of god", weight arises with the affinity that calls to you. Divinatory birth in process

Though certainly a purposeful interference could cause a problem if it knows you're looking.
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The human influence is the real issue. Certainly you can understand not wanting it to fiddle with your scry, just as you could appreciate them only visibly meddling with things in person. There's whole swarms of them that would love to do invisibly, shamefully not all of them place their hands meaning well, and this I think, completely alters how you have to deal with things. I took would like to be able to just trust that what wants to be around wants what's best for us, but sometimes you have to get things out of your space and off your back.
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