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Hello everyone!!

At the behest of >>105 I've decided to make a unique thread for these posts to talk about a collection of tales centered around forbidden, lost, passed up, incestuous, violent, spiteful, unrequited, unrecognized, criminal or the otherwise tragically inclined love affairs which drive one of my favorite manga; Angel Sanctuary. So many ships passing in the night, bursting on each other, or falling away into oblivion without a word. A beautiful and serene world whose cold surfaces never lose their warm core of hope held in the hearts of its actors throughout their trials, doomed as each may be.

The series features twenty volumes, two official art books: bearing the titles Angels Gate and Lost Angel, as well as a 3 episode OVA. All of which, I believe, is worth a look. There are also some audio dramas which I haven't had the chance, or the skill, to take a listen to.

 For this initial post I'm just going to outline a few I'm hoping to get to, but I'll be sure to spoiler all of that so we don't ruin anybody's fun. Also here is my initial post >>104, which I probably ought to have spoilered* as well ^^;

The complicated and incestuous love of the inorganic angel Rosiel directed at his sister the Organic angel Axiel both of whom hold the highest [pun] rank possible as three winged

Lucifer and his romantic involvements with other angels, fallen or otherwise and a few with humans to boot. what a dog ;)

Kurai, the soon to be dragon master of the Evils clan who occuppy the uppermost level of hell, with her relative Arcane and a bit the protagonist Setsuna

some more about Belial, the Mad Hatter, whom I love so much, but whose affairs are too numerous for an appropriate accounting here

Uriel the angel of death who keeps a sentient doll in the likeness of the water Angel Jebril,  and consequently Sara Mudo

The grotesquely entangled affairs of Sevothtarte Sandalphon and NidHegg 

a look at the various rabbits that inhabit the lower levels of heaven

Sarah and her effects on Raphael

Astoreth and Astarte the black and white snake siblings whom are cursed by god to inhabit the same body and never meet

maybe something about Setsuna and Sarah too, but their related story is perhaps too clear cut to be all that interesting despite the incest

*I hope this is how you spell it! if not I'm sorry.
Replies: >>134 >>163
>>128 (OP) 
Thats the manga with the fashy angels that commit genocide on a lower class of red eyed angels they call rabbits because their sexual reproduction caused physical deformities in some of them right?
Replies: >>143
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The rule of heaven is unquestionably totalitarian. While that should not be too surprising for a kingdom, it is more than absolutely confirmed as soon as volume 3. act 3. Book of the Material World: Presumed Guilty whose spine pictures Arachne smoking, clad in leather & notably also the first spine w/o Setsuna, though he is in the original image >>>/gtfo/171. Where Zaphikel , Arcthrone of Heaven struck blind by visage of Adam Kadamon, and introduced in vol 2. Book of the Material World Act 2. Crying Game to splash hot tea on Setsuna to prevent his suicide from interfering with his enjoyment of a hot beverage, says in conversation with his surbordinate Raziel about the peace brought by the reign of Metatron & Sevothtarte "That is how things appear when oppressed by a reign based on fear. But once those frustrations of the oppressed build up it becomes like a bottle of shaken soda. it might explode at the slightest jolt. And furthermore, Raziel. Would you trust a leader who never shows his face?" Raziel happens to be the most involved with the rabbits of any angle we get to see. Befriending several in a mission he thought was to bring aid, but after dropping of the supplies, & the location was bombed, he learned it had been a ploy to find their location. Sevotharte's rulership is a complex issue in itself, not just that it only applies through his* guardianship of Metatron which itself is as tenuous as Roziel remaining sealed within the earth but it involves their own crisis of identity as well as Metatron's brother Sandelphon and their powers to manipulate dreams a situation I think is best pictured on the cover of volume 13. Without disentangling any of that, Rosiel's rule deteriorated into a similar genocide of the evils though abroad rather than domestic which ended in both his and Alexiel being sealed after her hesitancy in killing him. Their respective resurrections mark the upheaval through all three worlds and the beginning the series revolves around. Further God's rule after the disappearance of Adam Kadamon of disinterested experimentation and record keeping. Many of the Angels that occupy the lower hells are the less fortunate subjects of this, Ashtoreth/Ashtaroth's condition of constantly transitioning between sex and personality being a prime example. Always so much more that could be said though

so, umm... I guess the shorter answer would have been, yes.
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>>128 (OP) 
Art book's title is Angel's Cage. You might note it is Rosiel on the cover, crouched and at his youngest, who resides in the cage on its cover. The inorganic Angel with an unenviable fate. Born hideous and alone but made beautiful by God at the promise of Axiel to disown him. He is brought into her likeness, obsessed with beauty and bound to grow younger with time, his age representing the hold his increasing insanity has over him, his cruelty increasing as he slides towards the innocence of a child. Split from his twin he chases her affection which is promisedly denied on bond with God so Rosiel have shape to be without debilitating agony.

His relationship with Katan is supremely illustrative of this. Katan is originally one of the forms of spirit with the least presence, no name or form, whom Rosiel grants title and raises into being a higher ranking Angel. Sponsoring his schooling and coming to his aid when he is reprimanded for instances of mischief Rosiel establishes themselves as a caring and nurturing individual in Katan's youth. Enough so that Katan would defy all rules of heaven to see Rosiels resurrection as a display of their loyalty.

When Lucifer falls, taking several angels including those representative of the seven sins with him, and begins his ordained rebellion against heaven Alexiel escapes Eden where she had been imprisoned in isolation to come to his aid. A battle between Lucifer and Rosiel in his pursuit is inevitable, in an exchange a fatal wound received by Lucifer if filled with blood they spilled from Rosiel they receive the inorganic angel's aptitude for regeneration. Lucifer gives their body in exchange for a more stable form of the realms of hell and what remains becomes blood crystal stone that hosts the seven bladed sword reminiscent of Shichishitō a seven branched ritual sword that resembles korean tree motifs and is mentioned in the second oldest book of Japanese history where in the fifty second year of the tenth day of the ninth month it is presented to the Mythical Japanese Empress Jingu which Alexiel wields. Rosiel's mounting insanity and overwhelming desire for reunion with his sister lead to a genocidal campaign into uppermost region of hell populated by the Evils, the end result of which is battle between Alexial and Rosiel where Alexiel will to stoke him down with the seven blades wavers and she instead seals him inside the earth. winning the battle and losing the war she is captured by by god and imprisoned having her soul cast out be in incarnated in countless lives of suffering as punishment for her defiance of god. Smitten by Alexiel what remains of Lucifer possesses various individuals across time following Alexiel through her cursed lives in an effort to aid her. 

in the year 1999 Katan defies heaven by taking flight to earth to initiate a plan to revive his loved and lost mentor. For this purpose a drug derived from his inorganic flesh is distributed in conjunction with a CD-ROM game Angel Sanctuary. Through each of which Rosiel is able to gain influence of the ingestor's forms and minds in order to direct enough energy to break the seal that he might return to his place as height available authority in heaven. When at the forbidden cost of may human lives this is achieved Rosiel rewards Katan's irredeemable sin on his behalf by dosing him with the same drug which will eventually erode his self, sanity, and will; despite the already unquestionable display of loyalty. 

in the final volumes where the plane of Atziluth is entered. In the tower Etemenanki where is hosted the Akashic record, YHVH physical body recording all events and all knowledge in all realms, beside the tree of life whose roots lie in skull of the spit six winged Adam Kadamon from whose flesh all angels are sinfully crafted, Alexiel pierces Rosiel with her sword taking his life and freeing him from the encroaching insanity he had been cursed with when originally wrapped in grafts from her skin. 


When gifting Katan form Rosiel resembles an individual in their early thirties, but when revived they have a form of similar teen years to Setsuna Mudo and by their final battle in enkaimeki where their efforts to meet with Alexiel are near suicidal openly bombing the territories in which their loyal populations reside they have gained the stature of a pre-pubescent.   

Sandlephon's atrocities follow from a similarly childlike innocence, though it is all he has ever known.
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